Foreclosure and Loan Modification Blog

CFPB On Loan Modifications, Loss Mitigation In Post-HAMP USA

The Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP) is ending December 31, 2016.

It, along with the Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP) and other programs, began in 2009 as part of the federal government's Making Home Affordable program (MHA), which was designed to help struggling homeowners avoid foreclosure after the housing and economic crisis that began in 2007.

HAMP is the principal component of MHA, and it sets guidelines and gives incentives to mortgage loan servicers to modify mortgages rather than foreclose. Sometimes known as 'the Obama Plan,' it's been a popular option for troubled homeowners.

6 Common Misconceptions About Mortgage Loan Modifications

As a result of the ongoing housing crisis, mortgage loan modifications have become popular with distressed homeowners who need to reinstate their loan and get a more affordable payment. But not everyone who could benefit from modifying their mortgage understands what's actually involved and how to go about getting one. And some assume or have been told incorrect information.

What is a Loan Modification

A mortgage loan modification is a permanent change to one or more of the terms of your existing loan, such as the interest rate, term length, and principal balance. The purpose is to lower the monthly payment to an affordable portion of your income and allow you to avoid foreclosure. It is different from a refinance, which replaces your old loan with a completely new one.

Loan modifications are the only hope many people have for avoiding foreclosure and staying in their home. However, there are some common misconceptions, such as:

HAFA Could Help You Get You $10,000 and Avoid Foreclosure

If you need help with your mortgage, there are government programs out there that may help you. But when it's all new to you, the programs can sound like an alphabet soup of acronyms that confuse and frustrate. For example, you may be able to use HARP or MHAs HAMP, but your RMA is likely to be denied if you DIY. All those letters leave me SMH (shaking my head), but before you LOL, get the 411 on one more.

HAFA, the Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternatives program, is meant to help borrowers who are not able to keep their home with a HAMP (Home Affordable Modification Program) or other modification. Mortgage loan modifications are a great option for borrowers who have the income to afford their home with a reduced payment.

What is a Request for Mortgage Assistance (RMA)?

If you need help with your mortgage, you're not alone. Millions of Americans have experienced hardships caused by factors beyond their control that made their mortgage payment unaffordable.

If that's happened to you, there is assistance available that can help you keep your home and avoid foreclosure. But to get that assistance, you'll need to complete a Request for Mortgage Assistance.

What Obama Doesn't Want You To Know About Mortgage Modifications

The Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP) was introduced by the Obama administration in 2009 with the goal of helping distressed homeowners keep their homes. That help was and is badly needed. The ongoing mortgage crisis and recession has left millions of Americans owing more on their home than it is worth and without enough income to afford their monthly payment. Something needed to be done, and Uncle Sam stepped up with HAMP.

Can You Make Too Much Money To Get A Loan Modification?

Is it possible to make too much money? You might think that it's not any more possible than being too good looking, too smart, too healthy, or too happy. Having too much of any of those positive things is what most of us would call a high quality problem, so the question is too much for what? If you're trying to get a mortgage loan modification, the answer is yes, you can make too much money to qualify.

Home Affordable Modification Program Qualifications

The Home Affordable Modification Program is designed to reduce a homeowner's monthly payment to 31 percent of the homeowner's monthly gross income. In many cases, this could mean a reduction in principal or a lowered interest rate.

What Can I Do If My Loan Modification Is Denied?

If your loan modification has been denied, be assured: you're not the first person to experience denial, and you certainly won't be the last. Loan modifications may be one of the hardest things to get approved without an experienced attorney's assistance. After denial, your next step depends on the reason why you were denied and where your home is in the foreclosure process.

Facts About HAMP and How It Has Changed to Create More Loan Modifications

know-the-guidelines-hampIn 2009, President Obama introduced the Home Affordable Modification Program (also known as HAMP). The program was designed to help struggling homeowners either to refinance their mortgage or modify their existing mortgage. The program was designed with incentives to the servicers/mortgage lenders and homeowners. However, many servicers were not seeing the program through, and as a result, many homeowners experienced multiple obstacles in getting a HAMP loan modification.

HAMP adapts to protect homeowners from foreclosure

The HAMP program, unveiled in 2009, was considered by many to be a failed experiment (in part due to the servicers lack of participation and implementation of the rules as well as many stringent program guidelines). Due to many failed modifications, in June of 2012 the Obama administration unveiled HAMP Tier 2 in an attempt to provide assistance to struggling homeowners. Tier 2 came with some much needed eligibility changes.

6 Myths About HAMP Loan Modifications

Editor's note: This article was originally published June 2013, and has been updated in November 2015. Some reported facts are from 2012 and 2013, but HAMP information is current as of this date. 

In May 2013, the credit reporting agency TransUnion reported that the percentage of mortgage holders with mortgages 60 days or more delinquent decreased 12% from the fourth quarter (Q4) of 2012 to 4.36% and a 21% drop from Q1 2013.  Both numbers represent the biggest declines since TransUnion started tracking mortgage delinquency data.

Nonetheless, too many homeowners continue to have difficulties making their mortgage payments each month and suffer financial hardship. Due to a lack of accurate information, a large number of these borrowers do not realize that they may be eligible for financial relief under the federal government’s Making Home Affordable loan modification program.

Here are six of the most misunderstood aspects about the Making Home Affordable Program.

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Amerihope Alliance Legal Services is a leading loan modification and foreclosure defense law firm with attorneys licensed in 5 states. We have helped over 7,000 homeowners fight back and keep their homes.

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