You've been served with foreclosure documents and now you're wondering: What's my next move to fight this action? Once you are served with foreclosure papers there are two options. You can be reinstated or you can request a loan modification.

[fa icon="clock-o"] Tuesday, August 11, 2020 [fa icon="user"] Jordan Shealy [fa icon="folder-open'] loan modification lawyer, dual-tracking, reinstatement, loan modification application, loan modification terms
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Foreclosure can be a confusing subject that mystifies all but the most well-versed professionals. All the ins and outs, the what have yous, and esoteric legal language make it difficult to understand the benefits and requirements of various options. However, there are ways to stop foreclosure that are simple and easy to understand for any homeowner. One of the easiest ways is a revolutionary concept that involves paying the money required to bring the loan current. It's called reinstatement.
[fa icon="clock-o"] Monday, December 7, 2015 [fa icon="user"] Maxwell Swinney [fa icon="folder-open'] loan modification, foreclosure, reinstatement
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