Foreclosure and Loan Modification Blog

HUD Releases Guide "What To Do If You Can't Pay Your Mortgage"

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has released a document that gives homeowners information on what to do when they're facing foreclosure or can't make their mortgage payments called “Homeowner's Guide to Success: What To Do If You Can't Pay your Mortgage.”

The HUD guide is short, but contains a lot of useful information for homeowners who are in foreclosure or in danger of falling into foreclosure. If you're having trouble with your mortgage and don't know what to do, HUD's guide is a good place to start learning about what options are available to you.

The guide includes a glossary of terms, a financial worksheet, and advice on where to go for more information. But it also includes some specific advice on what you should do.

Foreclosure Moratorium Available for FHA Homeowners Hit by Hurricane Irma

If your home or your ability to pay your mortgage was damaged by a presidentially-declared disaster, such as hurricanes Harvey, Irma, or Maria, you may qualify for a foreclosure moratorium.

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) website says:

“If you are at risk of losing your home because of the disaster, your lender may stop or delay initiation of foreclosure for 90 days. Lenders may also waive late fees for borrowers who may become delinquent on their loans as a result of the disaster.”

This help is much needed for many people affected by the recent hurricanes. Forced evacuations, missed work, damaged homes and property, injuries, and all kinds of extra expenses are contributing to people's financial hardships, which can leave them unable to make mortgage payments.

90 days delay on foreclosure initiation or a waiver on late fees is a big help in easing the burden caused by a disaster and could be the difference between keeping your home and losing it.

Could A HUD Partial Claim Help You Avoid Foreclosure?

If you fall behind on your FHA-insured mortgage loan, you might be able to get help from something called a partial claim payment, which is a loan from HUD paid to your lender to avoid foreclosure.

To be eligible for a HUD partial claim you must have missed at least four payments, but no more than 12. And you have to show that you'll be able to pay your mortgage after the claim is paid, and that you will use the property as your primary residence.

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Amerihope Alliance Legal Services is a leading loan modification and foreclosure defense law firm with attorneys licensed in 5 states. We have helped over 7,000 homeowners fight back and keep their homes.

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