Foreclosure and Loan Modification Blog

Loan Modifications, Mortgage Interest Rates, and HELOCs In 2017

A lot of things about 2016 were not so good. In fact, they stunk. We lost Prince, David Bowie, Harambe and George Michael. There was a contentious election, terrorism abroad, war in Syria, the Zika virus, and Brexit.

With all that and more, many people are glad to put 2016 behind them, and are hoping that 2017 turns out better. 

It's important to point out that not everything was terrible in 2016. The stock market hit new highs, and housing continued to improve. Home prices went up, interest rates stayed low, and the number of foreclosures declined.

But will the positive trends in housing continue with everything that's changing, which includes a new president, new congress, and the expiration of some government programs?

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Amerihope Alliance Legal Services is a leading loan modification and foreclosure defense law firm with attorneys licensed in 5 states. We have helped over 7,000 homeowners fight back and keep their homes.

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