Foreclosure and Loan Modification Blog

2 Ways Bad Information Can Drive You Into Foreclosure

When you're at risk of foreclosure, you can't make good decisions about what to do without good information. And sometimes the people you trust most to give you accurate information can't be counted on to provide it.

It's unfortunate, but the banks and companies offering to help homeowners with foreclosure defense and loan modifications have been known to lie and/or omit important facts in a way that benefits them and harms the homeowner.

The consequences of acting on bad advice related to your mortgage can have a huge impact on your financial well-being. It can harm your credit and cause you to unnecessarily lose your home to foreclosure. Foreclosure has even been shown to cause health problems. It's a big deal.

4 Dirty Tricks Mortgage Lenders Use To Foreclose On Your Home

Dealing with your lender on your own when you're behind on your mortgage payments is like going to war against an opponent who has nuclear weapons and all you've got is a rusty pocket knife. Things aren't likely to go well for you.

Why is that? Your lender has a lot of resources, including loads of money and experienced attorneys working for them. But beyond that, some mortgage lenders and servicers have repeatedly shown a willingness to bend or break rules, laws, and standards of ethics in order to foreclose.

Largest Loan Modification Scammer Ever Found Guilty in Federal Court

On Tuesday, May 2, 2016 a Manhattan federal court convicted Dionysius Fiumano of “orchestrating a massive mortgage modification scheme through which he and his conspirators defrauded more than 30,000 American homeowners out of a total of approximately $31 million,” according to Christy Goldsmith Romero, the Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (SIGTARP).

Dionysius Fiumano, aka “D”, and his co-conspirators oversaw a sales staff of 65 telemarketers and managers from 2011 to 2014. Fiumano was the general manager of sales at Vortex Financial Management, Inc, which was also known as Professional Marketing Group (PMG), and Professional Legal Network. The company was based in Irvine, California and claimed to offer mortgage modification services.

PMG operated somewhat like a legitimate company, buying leads that gave them the contact information of homeowners who were behind on their mortgage payments and in danger of foreclosure and trying to get them to buy their "services."

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Amerihope Alliance Legal Services is a leading loan modification and foreclosure defense law firm with attorneys licensed in 5 states. We have helped over 7,000 homeowners fight back and keep their homes.

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