Foreclosure and Loan Modification Blog

Foreclosure Defense Success: Should You Agree to a Summary Judgment?

Imagine having a Foreclosure Complaint filed against you in 2010 as you were almost 12 months behind in making your mortgage payment. It is now 2014 and a trial has been scheduled to determine whether you get to keep your home or lose it at an auction sale. 

In the intervening years, with the help of AALS you have submitted numerous applications for assistance to modify your loan with the lender, but have been denied for any government assistance program and have only been offered a solution that would require a substantial lump sum down payment. The owner of the loan has changed at least one time during the course of the litigation along with the servicer and the attorney for bank has changed as well.  The new attorney for the bank has filed numerous documents with the Court as the trial date has approached and it appears that the new servicer has all of its "ducks" lined up to go forward and get a final judgment of foreclosure and have your home scheduled for sale. 

The 3 Biggest Foreclosure Stories in Florida for 2013, and What they Mean for 2014

When you first heard these stories, you probably didn't believe they were true. Whether the stories featured controversial changes to the Florida foreclosure laws, Florida's unbelievable foreclosure timeline, or a slap on the wrist for Florida's Foreclosure King, the three biggest foreclosure stories in Florida in 2013 are, well... as "Florida" as it gets. 

Two Months Later: the Aftermath of Florida's New Foreclosure Law

Has HB 87 Solved Florida's Foreclosure Problems?

Florida experienced the most intense and widespread ravages of the mortgage crisis in 2008, and new foreclosures are still occuring at an alarming rate a half decade later. Even worse, Florida is a judicial foreclosure state. This means that all foreclosures have to proceed through a set process in the court of law, which can take years for each individual case. In addition to the new cases that are entering the courts daily, there are over 100,000 cases still waiting to be re-tried after the "robo-signing" scandal shut down all Florida foreclosure proceedings in late 2010. These factors combined to create a perfect storm of epic proportions in Florida's courts: so large, in fact, that there are currently over 328,000 foreclosures languishing within Florida's judicial system. 

How to Stop Foreclosure in Florida

Editor's note: This article was originally published in 2013, and has been updated for accuracy in 2016.

Whether you're already in foreclosure or just in fear of being served foreclosure, the question of how to stop the foreclosure process and the thought of losing your home are probably already keeping you up at night. If you're in foreclosure or in fear of foreclosure there are several steps you can take to either prolong the process or stop foreclosure in Florida.

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Amerihope Alliance Legal Services is a leading loan modification and foreclosure defense law firm with attorneys licensed in 5 states. We have helped over 7,000 homeowners fight back and keep their homes.

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