Approximately 250,000 families enter into foreclosure every 3 months due to delinquent home loan payments or delinquent property taxes. Each of these homeowners has one thing in common: they have to make the decision of whether or not to fight for their home. However, if you want to fight the foreclosure and keep your home, it's time to find a foreclosure defense attorney. Here are some reasons why:

[fa icon="clock-o"] Sunday, October 18, 2020 [fa icon="user"] Jordan Shealy [fa icon="folder-open'] stop foreclosure, loan modification lawyer, how to stop foreclosure, loan modification denied, loan modification attorney, successful loan modifications, foreclosure defense, prolong foreclosure, foreclosure, mortgage, lawyer, foreclosure defense attorney, mortgage debt, dos donts of foreclosure, foreclosure lawsuit, avoiding foreclosure, default judgment, consent to foreclosure, legal aid
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Sometimes you just need to get out of something. Whether it's a bad relationship, a social event, or even home ownership, there comes a time when you have to say “enough is enough,” and move on.
Recent clients of our firm, who I'll call the Jansens to protect their identity, were in just such a situation. They wanted to get out of their mortgage for their condo in Oswego, Illinois, which is west of Chicago.
The Jansens are in their 80s and fell behind on their mortgage due to some financial difficulties. They didn't have any equity in their home, and they needed to move out of state to be closer to family, so there was no reason for them to try and save their home.
[fa icon="clock-o"] Wednesday, August 29, 2018 [fa icon="user"] Maxwell Swinney [fa icon="folder-open'] foreclosure, consent to foreclosure
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