Foreclosure and Loan Modification Blog

Maxwell Swinney

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'Lien On Me' Web Series Gives Humorous Take On Foreclosure Crisis

Entertainment is not just something that distracts us from the realities of our mundane lives with science fiction stories involving space, the distant future, aliens, and supernatural forces. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but some entertainment is grounded in the specific realities and challenges people live with and fight against in contemporary society. One such work is a web series called Lien On Me.

What Is a Deficiency Judgment Waiver, and How Do I Get One?

If you're having doubts about your ability to pay your mortgage or come to any resolution with your lender that allows you to keep your home, you may be wondering what your options are for exiting your home, and what responsibilities are associated with each choice. Whether ownership of your home is transferred through a short sale, deed in lieu of foreclosure agreement, or foreclosure sale, one of the most important things to be aware of is that you may be responsible for a deficiency. But, with a little bit of help and some planning, you may be able to get a deficiency judgment waiver that allows you to walk away from your home without owing any money.

Real (Estate) Vampires and Zombies Are In Your Neighborhood

Believe it or not, monsters like vampires and zombies do exist. They're not under your bed, but they might be in your neighborhood right now. Fortunately, they're not the kind that want to drink your blood or eat your brains, but you should still be aware of their existence.

How To Work With A Foreclosure Defense Attorney

So, you've experienced a hardship that caused you to fall behind on your mortgage payments, but you're committed to doing whatever it takes to keep your home. You know that you'll need the help of a lawyer to have the best chance at success. But, once you've hired a qualified attorney, what do you need to do to help them fight to keep your home?

Will a Lien Prevent My Loan Modification?

So, you're ready to apply for a mortgage loan modification. You've done a lot of research and think you should qualify, that there's no reason to believe you'll be denied. But before you get too excited about life with a modified loan and the reduced financial burden you'll have as a result, remember that a lien you don't even know you have will prevent you from getting that loan modification.

Does Your State Require Judicial or Nonjudicial Foreclosure?

When you do not pay your home loan payments, your lender is required to follow the laws and procedures of your state to take ownership of your home and sell it. Some states require lenders to file a lawsuit in court in order to foreclose, which is known as judicial foreclosure. Other states allow lenders to foreclose without filing a lawsuit in court, which is known as nonjudicial foreclosure. Roughly half of the states have judicial foreclosure rules and half have nonjudicial. 

Can I Buy a Home After I Have Been Through Foreclosure?

Losing your home is a stressful process to endure, but it doesn't mean you have to give up on your goal of owning a home forever. But many homeowners are unsure if they will be able to get a mortgage after foreclosure.

Yes, you can buy a home after going through foreclosure, but you may need to wait several years or more after your foreclosure is completed, and you may be charged a higher interest rate and need a larger down payment to do it.

Foreclosure Stereotypes Are Not Accurate

Some might assume that foreclosure happens primarily to irresponsible people who have low income and education, and are in a position to lose their home because of their own bad life choices and laziness. While some people experiencing foreclosure might fit that description, it's wise to remember what your mother told you about assuming: it makes something undesirable out of 'u' and 'me'.

What Makes a Bad Foreclosure Defense Attorney?

If you are behind on your mortgage payments and think you need the help of a professional, you'll find that there are no shortage of attorneys willing to take you on as a client. But, there are many different types of attorneys with different experiences, resources, and points of view. For example, a law firm specializing in intellectual property law probably would not be the best choice if you need foreclosure defense and loan modification help, any more than an ear, nose, and throat doctor would be the best choice if you need surgery on your knee.

How to Avoid Mortgage Relief and Foreclosure Scams

One of the fundamental principles of capitalism is that, if there are a sufficient number of consumers who wish to purchase a product or service, a market will be created to sell it to them. If there's money to be made meeting some need or want, whether it's real or imagined, vital or not, some entrepreneur will provide it and try to turn a profit. We're all grateful that farmers meet our need for food, and Hollywood meets our desire for entertainment (sometimes), and we're happy to hand over our money for those things. But there will always be some entrepreneurs who are intent on making money by deception, or by taking advantage of consumers who wish to purchase a miracle.

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Amerihope Alliance Legal Services is a leading loan modification and foreclosure defense law firm with attorneys licensed in 5 states. We have helped over 7,000 homeowners fight back and keep their homes.

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Our goal is to provide valuable information to help homeowners who are trying to obtain a loan modification or to stop foreclosure. You may schedule a free consultation at any time.

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