Foreclosure is a frightening event for struggling homeowners. Should homeowners fail to make their regular mortgage payments, the mortgage lender is able to begin the foreclosure process on the property. However, because New Jersey is a judicial foreclosure state, mortgage lenders must go through state courts for any repossessions. The rules and procedures for this process are listed under The New Jersey Fair Foreclosure Act. The most important of which is the New Jersey Notice of Intent to Foreclose.

[fa icon="clock-o"] Monday, April 14, 2014 [fa icon="user"] Jake Sterling [fa icon="folder-open'] new jersey foreclosure attorney
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From the election to the continued Sandy recovery efforts, 2013 was important for the future of New Jersey. 2014 promises to be an even more vital year for New Jersey's future. While the hot-button topic of last 5 years has been all about how New Jersey has dealt with new foreclosures, the hot-button topic in 2014 will be about how New Jersey deals with the aftereffects of the mortgage crisis.
If New Jersey's people, government, and banks don't make the right choices, then it could spell a worse 2014 and beyond for everyone in the Garden State.
[fa icon="clock-o"] Monday, December 23, 2013 [fa icon="user"] Jake Sterling [fa icon="folder-open'] new jersey foreclosure attorney, new jersey foreclosure process
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It's hard to believe, but 2013 is already coming to a close. This has been quite an eventful year for New Jersey homeowners- especially because the events of 2012 have started a ripple -- or better yet, a wave of effects that lasted into 2013. For example:
[fa icon="clock-o"] Monday, December 9, 2013 [fa icon="user"] Jake Sterling [fa icon="folder-open'] new jersey foreclosure attorney, new jersey foreclosure process, foreclosure defense attorney new jersey
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The foreclosure crisis is finally slowing down, except in New Jersey.
Across the country, year-to-year foreclosure numbers have plummeted. For example, a report from August 2013 show that nationwide, foreclosures in July 2013 dropped about 25% when compared to July 2012. However, in New Jersey, foreclosures went up 89% during that same period. Although it has taken 2 1/2 years for the average foreclosure to be completed. New Jersey is speeding up the foreclosure process to clear out the foreclosure backlogs.
So why are there so many new foreclosure filings in New Jersey and how quickly are they moving through the system?
[fa icon="clock-o"] Friday, October 11, 2013 [fa icon="user"] Jake Sterling [fa icon="folder-open'] new jersey foreclosure attorney, foreclosure defense attorney new jersey
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- What's the best thing to do immediately after getting a foreclosure notice?
- How long does it take to foreclose on a home in New Jersey?
- Are you completely ready to deal with the foreclosure process in New Jersey?
If you can't confidently answer all these questions, then you should take a few seconds to download the New Jersy foreclosure timeline, especially if you think you may be at risk for foreclosure or are already within the foreclosure process.
[fa icon="clock-o"] Tuesday, July 23, 2013 [fa icon="user"] Jake Sterling [fa icon="folder-open'] new jersey foreclosure attorney, new jersey foreclosure process
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For most facing foreclosure either now or in the future, something has changed in their lives that is already causing more than enough stress without any help from the looming loss of their home. Many find that their change in circumstances leaves them unable to make monthly mortgage payments, and they face foreclosure simply because they don’t know what they need to do or how to go about it. When you interview lawyers to help keep your home, you might feel lost. What should be the cost of foreclosure defense?
[fa icon="clock-o"] Friday, June 21, 2013 [fa icon="user"] Jake Sterling [fa icon="folder-open'] new jersey foreclosure attorney, florida foreclosure defense, pennsylvania foreclosure defense, illinois foreclosure lawyer, foreclosure defense, new york foreclosure attorney
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If keeping your home is your goal when dealing with the New Jersey foreclosure process, you've got to be proactive. There is a sharp contrast in the length of the foreclosure timeline between those those that jump right into the fight and those that are a bit slow out of the gate. Dealing with foreclosure can be overwhelming, considering that it is often yet another crisis in a series of unfortunate events.
After all, most people facing foreclosure have been through some sort of financial, medical, or personal turmoil, and it is difficult to act when you're unsure of exactly what to do. However, in New Jersey, failing to act fast is risky; it can cost you your home.
[fa icon="clock-o"] Monday, June 17, 2013 [fa icon="user"] Jake Sterling [fa icon="folder-open'] new jersey foreclosure attorney, new jersey foreclosure process
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Millions of homeowners in the United States face foreclosure every year and thousands lose their homes. The highest foreclosures rates are in Florida, New Jersey and New York at 11%, 8% and 5% respectively. You can delay or stop foreclosure by hiring a professional foreclosure defense attorney to help you. The defense attorney will negotiate with the lender on your behalf and take steps to ensure that you do not lose your home.
Before you hit the road looking for a foreclosure defense attorney in New Jersey, you must know what a foreclosure is and why you need an attorney.
[fa icon="clock-o"] Monday, April 15, 2013 [fa icon="user"] Jake Sterling [fa icon="folder-open'] new jersey foreclosure attorney, foreclosure defense attorney new jersey
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Finding a New Jersey Foreclosure Attorney means first understanding the foreclosure process for the state of New Jersey. A foreclosure defense attorney must be licensed to practice in the same state as your property. As foreclosure laws differ from state to state, be sure you understand the process and hire an attorney who is well versed in handling cases in New Jersey.
Like in most states, it takes about 3 months of missed payments for the bank to begin the default process. In the state of New Jersey, the lender must file a notice of intent to foreclose 33 days prior to serving the homeowner with actual foreclosure papers.
[fa icon="clock-o"] Monday, April 8, 2013 [fa icon="user"] Jake Sterling [fa icon="folder-open'] new jersey foreclosure attorney, new jersey foreclosure process
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