Foreclosure and Loan Modification Blog

Jake Sterling

Jake Sterling is Amerihope Alliance Legal Services' Homeowner Liaison. He helps to bring awareness and teach homeowners about foreclosure defense and options to save their homes.

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Where Can I Get Home Loan Modification Help?

Should You Get A Mortgage Modification?You may be like millions of other home owners who have suffered setbacks that have made it difficult to afford your current mortgage. Consequently, you may have become delinquent  with your mortgage payments and face foreclosure.  

The reasons for financial struggles vary, including illness, job layoff, divorce, or other circumstances. Many borrowers have underwater mortgages, owe more than the home is worth and are seeking financial relief.

However, many homeowners do not understand that it may be possible to obtain loan modification help.

A loan modification changes the terms of your current home loan; common results include a lower interest rate or a lengthened loan term to reduce your monthly mortgage payments.

I Won With A Loan Modification Attorney: David's Success Story

Healing Hands For Healing A Mortgage

David Hochstadt is a full-time licensed massage therapist with Healing Arts Massage. He is also a satisfied customer of Amerihope Alliance Legal services; so satisfied, in fact, that he offered complimentary massages to the entire staff of Amerihope Alliance Legal Services, and the staff graciously accepted David's offer, as you can see to the left.

Will Loan Modification Stop Foreclosure?

A number of mortgage lenders in the US were not loyal to their word and this led to many homeowners losing their houses through foreclosure. Many homeowners in the US want to know if there is anything that can prevent foreclosure. Foreclosure rates are highest in New York, New Jersey, Florida and Pennsylvania and homeowners there may want to know if there is anything they can do anything to remedy the situation.

Is your financial situation too bad to enable you pay back your mortgage? Are you about to face or facing a foreclosure? Instead of getting depressed, look for ways to stop the foreclosure. If you already know the date of the sale, contact your bank or mortgage lender to see if you qualify for a loan modification. A loan modification can significantly reduce your payment and get rid of any debts you may have.

You're Not Alone: Bank Of America Loan Modification Problems

Homeowner Frustrated With Bank Of America Loan Modification ProblemsSince 2009, there has been a lot of bad press about Bank of America's loan modification problems, featuring a near-continuous stream of frustrated homeowners who are mired in delays and lost paperwork. Many homeowners jumped through hoops and waited years for loan modification decisions, only to find out that they were not eligible for modification. Some still await their outcome while trapped in the cycle of lost paperwork, misapplied or misplaced payments, and a shuffle of Bank of America loan modification staff.

Saving The American Dream: David Ramos, Mortgage Modification Master

Beginning in 2008, a record number of homeowners had trouble paying their mortgage payments, thanks to the subprime mortgage crisis. As a result, a record number of homes went into foreclosure.

David Ramos' mission is to help save people from that plight. Mr. Ramos, who has worked with home mortgages for over 15 years, started helping people modify their home loans 5 years ago, and hasn't stopped since. With over 5,000 mortgage modifications under his belt, Mr. Ramos is recognized as one of the world's foremost experts in home loan modification, and he continues to help people save their homes as Operations Manager at Amerihope Alliance Legal Services, a law firm that concentrates on foreclosure defense.

Today, I sat down with David Ramos to discuss the drastic changes in home loan modifications over the last 5 years.

Interviewer: Before the mortgage crisis, did loan modifications even exist?

Choosing a Foreclosure Defense Attorney in New Jersey

Millions of homeowners in the United States face foreclosure every year and thousands lose their homes. The highest foreclosures rates are in Florida, New Jersey and New York at 11%, 8% and 5% respectively. You can delay or stop foreclosure by hiring a professional foreclosure defense attorney to help you. The defense attorney will negotiate with the lender on your behalf and take steps to ensure that you do not lose your home.

Before you hit the road looking for a foreclosure defense attorney in New Jersey, you must know what a foreclosure is and why you need an attorney.

Understanding the New Jersey Foreclosure Process

Finding a New Jersey Foreclosure Attorney means first understanding the foreclosure process for the state of New Jersey. A foreclosure defense attorney must be licensed to practice in the same state as your property. As foreclosure laws differ from state to state, be sure you understand the process and hire an attorney who is well versed in handling cases in New Jersey.

Like in most states, it takes about 3 months of missed payments for the bank to begin the default process. In the state of New Jersey, the lender must file a notice of intent to foreclose 33 days prior to serving the homeowner with actual foreclosure papers.

How to Stop Foreclosure in Florida

Editor's note: This article was originally published in 2013, and has been updated for accuracy in 2016.

Whether you're already in foreclosure or just in fear of being served foreclosure, the question of how to stop the foreclosure process and the thought of losing your home are probably already keeping you up at night. If you're in foreclosure or in fear of foreclosure there are several steps you can take to either prolong the process or stop foreclosure in Florida.

How to Complete a Financial Worksheet for a Loan Modification Package

If you're one of the millions of Americans at risk of foreclosure, or possibly already in foreclosure, chances are you are terrified of losing your home. The best way to approach the bank and ask for a loan modification is with the help of a foreclosure attorney. However, many homeowners decide to deal directly with the bank and take it upon themselves to submit a loan modification package and financial worksheet in order to lower their monthly mortgage payment.

Most banks will ask for two very important documents in your loan modification package

Understanding the Foreclosure Process in New York

When trying to find a New York Foreclosure Attorney, there are a few things to keep in mind. Every state is different when it comes to foreclosure laws. Because of this, the first thing you need to do is make sure that your attorney is licensed to do business in the same state as your property. In order to proceed in a foreclosure case, your attorney must have a license to do business in that state.

About this Blog

Amerihope Alliance Legal Services is a leading loan modification and foreclosure defense law firm with attorneys licensed in 5 states. We have helped over 7,000 homeowners fight back and keep their homes.

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Our goal is to provide valuable information to help homeowners who are trying to obtain a loan modification or to stop foreclosure. You may schedule a free consultation at any time.

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