Foreclosure and Loan Modification Blog

The Secrets to Effective Foreclosure Defense in Illinois

Illinois continues to have one of the highest foreclosure rates in the U.S. Homeowners fall behind on mortgage payments for a variety of reasons, and borrowers are unaware that even if they are unable to make their mortgage payments and falling to foreclosure, they may have an effective defense that can save their home from foreclosure, or, at minimum, buy more time by working with an experienced foreclosure attorney.

8 Ways Homeowners Can Stop Foreclosure

Experiencing temporary or long-term hardship or receiving a foreclosure notice is not a death notice for your house.There are a wide range of options available for homeowners who are in financial trouble.

Cats can't save your home, but the tactics below can!

What Is a Deficiency Judgment, and How Can You Avoid One?

The unofficial definition of a deficiency judgment, sometimes called a mortgage deficiency judgment, could be something like: “…When your former mortgage lender won’t let you go.” Unfortunately, the real answer is a little more complicated.

If the unthinkable happens and you lose your home to foreclosure sale, there could be two outcomes. The first outcome is that the lender receives the amount of money you owe on the mortgage. In a perfect world, your house is worth $100,000 and it sells at foreclosure auction for at least $100,000, then your mortgage lender is just a bad memory (maybe).

Foreclosure Myth Busters: Debunking 6 Common Myths

If you were to believe everything you've ever heard, stepping on a crack would result in your mother's broken back, and you'd be more golden than King Midas based on all the pots you would have collected at the end of rainbows. However, these myths are just like many of the foreclosure myths, simply untrue. Recognizing some of the crazier myths has always been easy, but many of the foreclosure myths seemingly have merit. In the quest for the truth, some of the most common foreclosure myths are put to the test. In true myth buster fashion, the following information features foreclosure myths tested, tried, and ultimately debunked.


My credit will be damaged forever.

Although a foreclosure will have a negative effect on your credit score, you can recover. Today's borrowers can be approved for FHA loans in as little as one year after a foreclosure. However, you can't have any other derogatory marks on your credit report at the time.

Freddie Mac Turns to YouTube to Dispel Common Foreclosure Myths

Freddie Mac is helping consumers separate foreclosure fact from fiction in a new video series recently launched on its YouTube Channel (http://www.youtube.com/FreddieMac). Each video dispels one of five common myths that could prevent people from keeping their homes if they face foreclosure. It is based on content from the Freddie Mac Get the Facts on Homeownership education and outreach materials. Here are five common myths that consumers should be aware of when it comes to dealing with foreclosures.

How Can I Stop Foreclosure Proceedings in Pennsylvania?

It’s not uncommon for home owners to become anxious and overwhelmed when they incur financial problems that can prevent them from making their monthly mortgage payments. This can happen for any number of reasons: a loss of income, divorce, medical problems or other personal circumstances.

If you are having problems here are some things you can do to avoid foreclosure proceedings in Pennsylvania. Start by clarifying the cause of your financial problems and why you are in foreclosure. Gather your documentation for your monthly income and expenses. You will need this information as you explore your options to try and find alternatives to foreclosure.

The Foreclosure Defense Process: Can You Avoid Being Served Foreclosure?

Since 2007, over 4 million Americans have lost their homes due to foreclosure. By early next year, that number is expected to reach 6 million. Historically, the legal procedure of foreclosure, in which a homeowner is required to relinquish his or her home to a lender upon mortgage default, generally favored banks and lenders who were well-versed in the practice.

However, recently this trend has reversed as many of today's homeowners who receive their notice of default are choosing to engage in an effective foreclosure defense process to stall, and often cease, the foreclosure proceedings filed against them. These recent successes can be attributed to the greater encouragement of mortgage modification and the piling evidence that, as a whole, the real estate industry has been largely perpetrators of fraudulent and predatory lending practices. The discovery of which has impacted judicial attitude and largely shifted court sympathies towards homeowners perceived as victims.

Facing Foreclosure? Don't Hide it From Your Partner

By Ralph R. Roberts, RISMedia Guest Columnist

5 Common Questions About the Illinois Foreclosure Process

We often receive questions from our readers about the Foreclosure Process in Illinois. 

Below are 5 common questions about foreclosure in Illinois.

Remember, if you have a question you can leave it in the comments below, or contact our law firm at 877-882-5338 us for a more private matter.

1.) How Does the new Illinois Foreclosure Law Affect Me?

From a reader in Bloomington, Illinois

The new foreclosure law in Illinois affects you because it protects you from a wrongful foreclosure.

When is It Time to Walk Away from Your Mortgage?

House vs. Home

We understand that you probably have an emotional attachment to your home, but is it time to start looking at your home as a house or an investment?

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Amerihope Alliance Legal Services is a leading loan modification and foreclosure defense law firm with attorneys licensed in 5 states. We have helped over 7,000 homeowners fight back and keep their homes.

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Our goal is to provide valuable information to help homeowners who are trying to obtain a loan modification or to stop foreclosure. You may schedule a free consultation at any time.

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