Foreclosure and Loan Modification Blog

Stop Getting So Much Email So You Can Communicate With Your Lawyer

[fa icon="clock-o"] Wednesday, January 16, 2019 [fa icon="user"] Maxwell Swinney [fa icon="folder-open'] loan modification, foreclosure, email

If you're like most people, you probably get more junk email than you know what to do with. That's a big problem when it becomes hard to sort through all the messages you don't care about to find the really important emails, like those from your lawyer.If you're like most people, you probably get more junk email than you know what to do with.

That's a big problem when it becomes hard to sort through all the messages you don't care about to find the really important emails, like those from your lawyer.

When you hire a lawyer, it's because you need help with an issue that you can't handle on your own. When your attorney sends you an email, it's not just to say hi. It's because they either need to tell you about a development in your case or ask you for something they can't get without you.

Our firm provides foreclosure defense and loan modification assistance. Our clients are at risk of losing their homes. We often need to tell them about important developments in their case or ask them to send us documents that will help stop or delay foreclosure, or them get a loan modification and save their home

If we can't reach clients by phone or email, it can put their chances of avoiding foreclosure in jeopardy. Don't let that happen to you! You need to have a manageable number of emails coming into your inbox every day so you can see those that actually matter.

Many people will get unwanted emails for years and years and never do anything about it. It doesn't have to be that way! So how do you manage your inbox so you don't get more emails than you can possibly sort through?

Manually Unsubscribe From Unwanted Emails

Open an email from someone you don't want to get emails from ever again, scroll to the bottom, and click 'unsubscribe'. Usually the unsubscribe link will inconveniently be in smaller print, but it will be there for any reputable business. After you click on the unsubscribe link, a new window will usually open up where you'll be asked to confirm that you don't want to receive emails anymore. Click that and you shouldn't get emails from them anymore. Freedom!

Report Spam

In Gmail, Yahoo, and other email programs, you can select an email and click the 'Report spam' button. In Gmail, the button has an exclamation point inside a stop sign. This will prevent future emails from that sender from showing up in your inbox. Instead, they will be sent to a spam folder. You're not unsubscribed, but you won't see the emails anymore.In Gmail, Yahoo, and other email programs, you can select an email and click the 'Report spam' button. In Gmail, the button has an exclamation point inside a stop sign. This will prevent future emails from that sender from showing up in your inbox. Instead, they will be sent to a spam folder. You're not unsubscribed, but you won't see the emails anymore.

UnrollmeThis is a free service that will help you unsubscribe you from emails you don't want. It logs into your email and give you a list of all of the emails that you're subscribed to and a way to unsubscribe from them all at once.

Use Gmail

Gmail is pretty good about identifying spam and not sending it to your inbox. Also, the program will sort your inbox into tabs for primary, social, promotions, and updates, so that you can better manage the emails you are getting.

Change Your Email Address

If your email has been hacked repeatedly and/or you're unable to get spam emails to stop, you can start a new email account and delete your old email. If you do that, just let all the people who you do want to get emails from (including your attorney!) know what your new address is. This option should only be a last resort.

Getting fewer emails so that you can see the messages you actually need to see will help you handle the important issues in your life. If you're trying to avoid foreclosure and get a loan modification, getting emails your lawyer sends you is of the utmost importance.


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Maxwell Swinney

Written by Maxwell Swinney

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Amerihope Alliance Legal Services is a leading loan modification and foreclosure defense law firm with attorneys licensed in 5 states. We have helped over 7,000 homeowners fight back and keep their homes.

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