By Nick Sweeney
The economy has been stuck on pause (or in some cases, rewind) for about three years now, and for about 59 of the last 60 months, we’ve been eagerly anticipating its quick turnaround so that we can finally get on with our lives.
Instead of waiting for the economy to get better, perhaps it’s us who should get better. Here are three suggested areas to cutback, rethink or undo to wade through this economic onslaught.
An iPad is really cool to look at, but is it holding more game apps than work apps? Is it really leveraging your business? It may be, but be aware that not all gadgets are created equally when it comes to productivity. Only you know if you’re giving Facebook too much face time.
Conversely, tech tools may also end up saving you money. Just remember to ask yourself if that new gadget or service is a tool or a toy (hint: if it helps you close more deals more quickly, it’s a tool).