Disclaimer: These results should not be taken as a guarantee, as each case is unique. We have helped over 7,000 homeowners. Here are some of their stories.
Every week we obtain loan modifications for our clients with a variety of loan servicers. You can see these results as they are announced on Twitter (#loanmodwow) or Facebook. Here are some of our results from this week with Rushmore, Chase, Wells Fargo and Caliber:
Our Rushmore clients were 12 months and $74,530.42 past due on their mortgage, but we helped them get a final loan modification with $203.27 lower monthly payment and $122,475.65 forgiven!
Caliber Home Loans
8 months behind, our Caliber Home Loans client was granted a modification with a $100 payment reduction.
New monthly Payment: $1,632.34
Chase Loan Modification
After 5 years of missed mortgage payments, Our Chase Bank client is approved for a final loan modification.
Foreclosure is on hold and will be dismissed soon!
Wells Fargo
Our Wells Fargo client was almost 2 years behind again after receiving a loan modification in 2016.
Wells Fargo approved a new loan modification beginning February 2019, and our clients are thrilled to be keeping their home!