Foreclosure and Loan Modification Blog

Free Foreclosure Defense from Legal Aid

[fa icon="clock-o"] Saturday, July 25, 2020 [fa icon="user"] Jordan Shealy [fa icon="folder-open'] foreclosure defense, legal aid

Finding an attorney to assist you with your foreclosure can be a daunting and expensive task. It's important to be aware of all of your options when you are challenged with a notice of foreclosure.

You can proceed pro se, but a better alternative is to seek free legal help. Many states have free legal aid services in every county that will find an attorney to work on your foreclosure case for free. Your eligibility for these services depends on various factors such as: residency, type of residence being foreclosed on, and your family or individual income. Depending on your case, legal aid services can offer any kind of help, from the filling out of court forms all the way to representing your case in court.

Fully represented tenants win or settle their cases 96% of the time. Clients receiving limited representation win or settle their cases 83% of the time. Tenants with full representation were twice as likely to stay in their homes or got twice as much time to move, left court without an eviction record, and were four times less likely to use homeless shelters.mortgage_due

Florida Legal Aid

In Florida every legal aid firm within the state can set its own eligibility requirements, but the typical household income must be less than $27,000 per year. Some firms will accept a slightly higher income. The following links are some of the free legal aid service providers in Florida:

Broward Legal Aid

Coast to Coast Legal Aid

Legal Services of Greater Miami

Three Rivers Legal Services, Inc.

Community Legal Services of Mid-Florida

Florida Rural Legal Services

Illinois Legal Aid

In Illinois every legal aid firm within the state can set its own eligibility requirements, but the typical household income must be less than $33,000 per year. There are often higher income limits for homeowners at risk of foreclosure, seniors, veterans, people living with HIV, survivors of domestic or sexual violence with legal issues relating to their victimization, and victims of human trafficking. The following links are some of the free legal aid service providers in Illinois:

Prairie State Legal Services

Legal Aid Chicago

Coordinated Advice & Referral Program for Legal Services

Cabrini Legal Aid

Chicago Legal Clinic

Chicago Volunteer Legal Services

Land of Lincoln Legal Aid

New Jersey Legal Aid

In New Jersey every legal aid firm within the state can set its own eligibility requirements, but the typical household income must be less than $53,000 per year. The income eligibility for people affected by HIV/AIDS must be less than $115,000 per year. Vulnerable seniors, age 60 or older, are eligible for services regardless of income. The following links are some of the free legal aid service providers in New Jersey:

Central Jersey Legal Services, Inc.

Volunteer Lawyers for Justice

Northeast New Jersey Legal Services

Legal Services of New Jersey

New York Legal Aid

In New York every legal aid firm within the state can set its own eligibility requirements, but the typical household income must be less than $58,000 per year. The following links are some of the free legal aid service providers in New York:


Pro Bono Institute

The Legal Aid Society of Rochester, New York

Legal Services Corporation

New York Legal Assistance Group

Legal Aid Society of Northeastern New York

Legal Services NYC



Legal Aid in Pennsylvania

In Pennsylvania every legal aid firm within the state can set its own eligibility requirements, but the typical household income must be less than $44,000 per year.

North Penn Legal Services

Department of Human Services

Philadelphia Legal Assistance

Pennsylvania Legal Aid

Community Legal Services of Philadelphia

Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania

You may or may not qualify for free legal aid if you’re a homeowner facing foreclosure. Regardless of your income or ability to pay, you should meet with a foreclosure defense attorney for a free consultation. You may find that the cost of foreclosure defense is very affordable, and find yourself on a path to save your home.

Schedule Your Free Consultation with a Foreclosure Lawyer

Jordan Shealy

Written by Jordan Shealy

Nova Southeastern University Shepard Broad School of Law JD Candidate 2022 Association of Business Law Students | Public Relations Chair

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Amerihope Alliance Legal Services is a leading loan modification and foreclosure defense law firm with attorneys licensed in 5 states. We have helped over 7,000 homeowners fight back and keep their homes.

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