Foreclosure and Loan Modification Blog

3 Things a Foreclosure Defense Attorney Should Cover in a Free Consultation

[fa icon="clock-o"] Friday, November 1, 2013 [fa icon="user"] Jake Sterling [fa icon="folder-open'] loan modification lawyer, foreclosure defense

iStock_000018664896XSmallIf you are going through the foreclosure process, or if you are in danger of foreclosure, this can be a very daunting time. The whole process can be confusing and a bit intimidating. It is times like these that you need someone on your side who will really fight for you. The current housing crisis has spawned a number of “foreclosure specialists” who will offer a free foreclosure consultation but little else. 

They have great sales pitches and promise to keep you in your home, but once you sign on the dotted line and hand over your hard-earned money, not much else happens. Most of these companies seem more adept at marketing their services than keeping people in their homes. 

If you are in need of help to stop the foreclosure process, it is important that you shop around. Finding the best foreclosure defense will probably be one of the most important things you do in your life. You need to fight in order to keep your family home. 

Shopping for the best foreclosure defense may take some time but it shouldn’t cost you any money. Most firms will offer a free foreclosure consultation in order to learn more about your case. But you should use this free foreclosure consultation as a way to find out more about the company and their track record. 

There are three main questions that you should ask during any free foreclosure consultation. 

1. What Is Your Track Record?

This is probably the most important question. You want to make sure that the firm you hire is successful at what they do. Ask to see specific cases that are similar to yours. Any reputable firm will gladly show you their past successes. This is a way to prove their competence and show you how thy work. The best firms will have thousands of successful cases. This proves that not only are they successful, but that they have been doing this for years. If anyone refuses to show you their success rate, move on to the next one. 

2. Do You Provide Loan Modification Services?

This is another question that will separate the best form the also-rans. Very few foreclosure defense firms offer loan modification as a service to their clients. They leave that part up to the client. Unfortunately, the mortgage modification can be just as difficult as the foreclosure process. You want to choose a firm that can handle this process for you as well. There will be fewer firms to choose form but those that remain will be the best. And that is who you want fighting for you. 

3. How Do You Get Paid?

If you are having financial difficulty that last thing you need is to pay a large fee upfront to try to save your house. But that is just what some foreclosure firms want. They will offer a free foreclosure consultation and promise you a lot but what they really want is a large upfront fee before they will lift a finger to help you. There are firms out there that will offer different fee structures that will make it easier for you to pay for their services. Again, it is important to shop around. 

If these are the only three questions you ask during your free foreclosure consultation, you will most likely find a great foreclosure defense firm. One that will really fight for you and your family.

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Jake Sterling

Written by Jake Sterling

Jake Sterling is Amerihope Alliance Legal Services' Homeowner Liaison. He helps to bring awareness and teach homeowners about foreclosure defense and options to save their homes.

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Amerihope Alliance Legal Services is a leading loan modification and foreclosure defense law firm with attorneys licensed in 5 states. We have helped over 7,000 homeowners fight back and keep their homes.

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