Foreclosure and Loan Modification Blog

Free Offer: Download the Illinois Foreclosure Timeline

[fa icon="clock-o"] Wednesday, July 3, 2013 [fa icon="user"] Jake Sterling [fa icon="folder-open'] illinois foreclosure lawyer

Download The Illinois Foreclosure Timeline
  • Do you know what's the first step to take after receiving a foreclosure notice?
  • Do you know how long the foreclosure process takes in Illinois?
  • Do you know what to expect from the foreclosure process? 

If you answered “no” to any of these questions, then you should invest 2 minutes into downloading the Illinois foreclosure timeline, especially if you are at risk for foreclosure or if you are already within the foreclosure process.

What Information is Inside the Illinois Foreclosure Timeline?

The Illinois foreclosure timeline is the schedule of legal foreclosure actions in Illinois. However, it tells you much more than how long the foreclosure process will take. With the Illinois foreclosure timeline, you'll learn how long until foreclosure is actually filed with the state of Illinois after a homeowner stops monthly mortgage payments. You'll also learn how soon the right to reinstate your property expires, and how long you have until a Sheriff evicts you from your home. The Illinois Foreclosure Timeline is your guide to the entire foreclosure process; not just to how long it will take until you get served with foreclosure.

Who Created the Illinois Foreclosure Timeline?

The Illinois foreclosure timeline was created by our foreclosure attorneys. We took the utmost care in assuring that the timeline is as accurate as possible, and also made certain to present it in normal, everyday language, not hard-to-understand legalese.

Keep in Mind

Keep in mind that the Illinois foreclosure timeline explains events, times, and circumstances that are taking place without the service of an attorney. It is imperative to hire a foreclosure attorney if you are in foreclosure; a foreclosure attorney can drastically extend the length of the foreclosure timeline, or can even stop the foreclosure process entirely.

Some homeowners may feel like they can't afford to hire a foreclosure defense attorney. While there are plenty of attorneys that charge exorbitant rates, there are quality, proven foreclosure defense attorneys and law firms that offer alternative fee structures for troubled homeowners. Other law firms also bundle foreclosure defense and loan modification services, which gives homeowners more bang for their buck. Be sure to know what to ask a foreclosure defense attorney before hiring them, though.

Where Can I Download the Illinois Foreclosure Timeline?

It's simple, just click the button below.

Download The Illinois Foreclosure Timeline
Jake Sterling

Written by Jake Sterling

Jake Sterling is Amerihope Alliance Legal Services' Homeowner Liaison. He helps to bring awareness and teach homeowners about foreclosure defense and options to save their homes.

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