Your mortgage lender has a very simple rule for determining whether you're naughty or nice. It's determined by whether or not you pay your mortgage on time every month. If you pay on time, you get to be on the nice list. Keep up the good work. What's your reward? Keeping your home, and not being threatened with the 'f' word. That's not the four letter 'f' word, it's the one with 11 letters: foreclosure.
If you have fallen behind on your mortgage payments, your bank has probably called, sent letters, used the 'f' word, and let you know you're on the naughty list. It's very stressful to be in that situation. Studies have shown that foreclosure can have a negative impact on your physical and mental health in addition to your financial health. People in foreclosure are at a higher risk of suicide and heart disease. So something has to be done to resolve the situation. But what?
(Image courtesy of vectorolie at
It depends on your situation, the laws in your state, how much money you have, and what you want to do. First, let's look at ways to get off the naughty list without getting on the nice list by getting out of your mortgage. These are options to consider if you don't make enough money to keep your home and it can't be sold in a traditional sale because it's worth less than what is owed on the loan:
With a short sale or deed in lieu of foreclosure, you should be sure to include a deficiency judgment waiver in the agreement. Why? Because, by definition, you are deficient sufficient money to pay off the loan in either of these agreements and the lender can sue you for the deficient amount. Getting a deficiency judgment waiver with your short sale or deed in lieu of foreclosure agreement allows you to get out of your mortgage with no debt.
If you are determined to keep your home, but have experienced a hardship beyond your control that caused you to fall behind on your mortgage payments, and you believe that you have the money to afford the loan, there are options that allow you to that:
So there are ways to get off of the naughty list and back onto the nice list, and they don't even require you to put out milk and cookies for your lender. Be aware that there are con artists who promise to get you a loan modification and back in your lenders good graces by removing the threat of foreclosure. To avoid them, do some research on common mortgage relief scams and avoid any offers that seem too good to be true. And remember that you have the best chance of geting the results you want when you take action as soon as you anticipate problems and work with an experienced attorney who has a proven record of helping people in your situation.