According to Florida's Office of Insurance Regulation, the intention of the PIP requirement is “to provide injured drivers up to $10,000 in immediate medical coverage in lieu of establishing fault through the court system. The goal was to reduce payment delay for injured drivers, as well as limit the utilization of the court system.”
In Florida, 80% of the cost of your medical bills will be covered by PIP, up to $10,000. If the injury isn't an emergency, then you can only receive $2,500 worth of benefits. The medical expenses that PIP will cover include the costs of:
In addition to paying for the medical costs that arise from car accident injuries, PIP also reimburses drivers for lost wages and even funeral expenses in the case of a death.
If the policyholder is killed, PIP will pay the next of kin up to $5,000 for funeral and burial expenses.
Filing a claim for PIP in Florida is like filing any other type of insurance claim. You have to contact your insurance provider to start the process.
PIP requires injured people to get their initial medical treatment within 14 days of the accident. You don't have to ride in an ambulance or go to the emergency room, but if your medical treatment doesn't start within the first two weeks after the accident, then the insurance company isn't required to reimburse you for it.
Pretty much any legitimate medical provider counts for initial care and services within the first two weeks after the accident, whether they are an EMT, doctor, dentist, chiropractor, or hospital staff. The Florida PIP statute doesn't count acupuncture or massage therapy as services that can be billed for PIP.
Florida is a state that is known for its insurance fraud, so don't be surprised if the insurance company decides to investigate your claim. And insurance companies may drag their feet about paying you.
If you've been injured in a car accident, you may want to consider getting a personal injury lawyer who can help you recover the money you're entitled to. A qualified attorney will have experience with personal injury protection and all aspects of the law that are relevant to your case and will know what to do to get you the results you want.
And personal injury lawyers don't charge an up front fee. They're paid out of the money they recover for you, so there's no cost to hiring one.
If you want a personal injury lawyer, but don't have a clue how to go about selecting one, click here for some tips.
Image courtesy of yodiyim and Sira Anamwong at