Every week we obtain loan modifications for our clients with a variety of loan servicers. You can see these results as they are announced on Twitter (#loanmodwow) or Facebook. Here are some of our results from this week with SLS, Ocwen, Mr. Cooper, and Carrington:
Our SLS clients were 5 months and $10,309.20 past due on their mortgage payments, but we helped them get a final loan modification with $610.70 cheaper monthly payment and $48,838.95 non-interest bearing deferment!
Our Mr. Cooper client was five months and $4,623 past due on his mortgage payments, but we helped him get a final Flex Modification with massive monthly savings of $202.98, a 27% reduction in his mortgage payment!
Our Carrington client was more than 8 years behind (98 months) on his mortgage, but we got him a final loan modification with incredible $1,054.96 cheaper monthly payment (a 42% drop) and INSANE $316,385.68 principal reduction and forgiveness of debt!