The prospect of facing the foreclosure process in Florida can be a scary one. Most homeowners try to stall the foreclosure process by first seeking out loan modifications. A loan modification can reduce the interest on your loan to make your monthly payments more affordable, or restructure your loan so that any of your missed payments are added onto the loan term rather than required as a lump sum in order to catch up again.
If a homeowner truly cannot afford to make their mortgage payments, they soon fall behind. Yet, some loans aren’t eligible for modification, or the homeowners may not be approved for the financial restructuring for a variety of reasons. In many cases, negotiating a loan modification can take several months. In Florida, foreclosure proceedings can start as soon as 90 days after your first missed payment.
High unemployment rates have caused a housing crisis as more and more families struggle to meet their monthly payments after the loss of a job and are facing foreclosure. Foreclosure proceedings have fallen years behind, as the courts are unable to keep up with the surge of cases. As a result, there have been a number of alternatives presented to foreclosure in Florida.
In addition to so many alternatives to foreclosure, there are also new approaches taken toward the foreclosure process itself to help move things along and clear out the case backlog. Holding a case management conference is one of these.
During a case management conference, both parties meet to discuss a foreclosure case when no movement has been seen in quite a while, or if it’s gotten stuck in the judge’s docket. A case management conference can decide the next step, which may be a foreclosure alternative such as a deed in lieu or short sale, or mediation. A case management conference can sometimes expedite a foreclosure lawsuit. You should expect to be asked for documentation explaining why you’ve missed payments, and may need other documents as well.
There are plenty of ways to face a foreclosure crisis, but all of them have one thing in common: you should absolutely seek the guidance of a trained professional to walk you through the process. Whether looking at a scheduled case management conference, or just trying to find a way to hang onto your home before you’ve ever missed a payment, there’s no reason you should ever have to face foreclosure in Florida alone.
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