Opponents of the bill are arguing that seniors may have trouble finding foreclosure auction notices, since the bill also has a provision allowing that foreclosure sales no longer need to be listed in the newspaper, and that posting the listing online would be sufficient.
Other lawmakers argue that speeding up the foreclosure process will push foreclosure cases with fraud through the system. There won't be time for homeowners to have proper defenses.
This will prevent homeowners from having enough time to apply for loan modifications or come to an agreement with the bank before the house is foreclosed on. An expedited process also gives homeowners and their lawyers less time to catch mistakes made by the bank. After banks were caught "robosigning" documents a few years back, many are afraid that banks are still not being held accountable for their actions especially with the abundance of paperwork changing hands.
As a homeowner, the best way to protect yourself from foreclosure is to hire a foreclosure defense attorney to deal directly with the bank and the court system. With foreclosure laws changing almost daily, it's nearly impossible for homeowners to fully understand their rights. Only a foreclosure attorney can make sure that you are protected in the event of foreclosure. Simply applying for a loan modification with the bank will not stop the foreclosure process. Only a lawyer can help prolong foreclosure while a loan modification is being processed. Make sure to find an attorney that provides foreclosure defense as well as loan modifications.
The Florida Foreclosure Bill, if passed, could speed up the foreclosure process in the state of Florida. Make sure you are protected by a foreclosure defense attorney who is aware of the laws and can fight for your rights as a homeowner.