Foreclosure and Loan Modification Blog

How to Stop Debt Collectors from Harassing You

Written by Nicholas Murado, Esq. | Friday, March 6, 2015

I’m attorney Nick Murado. I sue debt collectors and can fix your credit rating – for FREE!

If you have any debts in collections, you know the types of tactics the debt collector scum are willing to use:

  • They have no problems insulting you, abusing you, or cursing you out.
  • They love to call you at work, which can threaten the status of your employment.
  • They cherish those early morning or late night calls, designed to disorient you and wear down your willpower, hoping you'd just pay them so they would go away and let you sleep.
  • They relish those times they call your family, your neighbors, or your friends, attempting to convert them into tools of war to be used against you.
  • They enjoy placing false, fraudulent, or otherwise incorrect information on your credit reports, tanking your credit rating.

Did you know that everything I list above is ILLEGAL for debt collectors to do?

I want to sue them for it. My services do not cost a single penny. When I recover money from the enemy – these overzealous debt collectors – I get some of it and you get some of it. If I do not recover any money, then I do not get paid, and you do not owe me anything.

These people do not care about you; they care only about extracting as much money as they can, and if they must scorch the Earth to do it, then so be it. Don't endure their assault any longer. It's time to FIGHT BACK.

The Florida Bar Association (and, to my knowledge, every other state's bar association) prohibits attorneys from making any guarantees as to the outcomes of cases. So, like all attorneys, I can never guarantee a recovery because every case is different. However, typical violations upon which we recover money generally net our clients thousands of dollars – and, remember, my service is completely FREE.

I know how to make the harassment stop. I know how to fix broken credit ratings. And I know how to make the debt collectors pay. So, if you've had enough of these people and have decided it's time to fight back, contact me. Make THEM pay; not you.